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Monumental Sculpture: Extending Your Corporate Awards Program

When you think about creating a corporate awards program, large monumental sculptures may be the last thing on your mind. However, creating a monumental sculpture can be a great complement to your program, and an excellent way of extending your branding efforts.

If your corporate awards play a significant part in the overall culture of your organization, and feature an iconic image (your corporate logo, for example), a monumental sculpture may be an excellent way to extend and enhance the impact of this as part of an integrated branding and recognition program. We can create and produce large monumental sculptures that match/complement the design imagery of your corporate awards, or even create an exact replica of this image on much larger scale.

BloodSource Monumental Sculpture

BloodSource Monumental Sculpture

BloodSource Recognition Awards

BloodSource Recognition Awards

The monumental sculptures we have created for our clients who utilize this strategy are generally deployed in a building lobby, outside entryway, or some other common gathering place for the company.

One example of such a program is the custom sculptures we created for BloodSource in Sacramento. The custom recognition awards we created are sculptures based on a 3D representation of the BloodSource logo. We also created a large 8’ high monumental sculpture of this same image for the BloodSource corporate headquarters.

"The Friskies" Recognition Awards

"The Friskies" Recognition Awards

We created a similar set of sculptures for Purina’s “Friskies Awards" event. Individual recognition awards were created in the shape of the iconic Friskies logo, and larger monumental sculptures of the same image were created for each side of the stage used for the awards ceremony.

"The Friskies" Monumental Stage Sculptures

"The Friskies" Monumental Stage Sculptures

We have worked with other companies and non-profit organizations to implement similar programs. Get in touch with us if this sounds like something that would fit your organization’s branding and recognition initiatives!