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Paris Hilton, Forever 21 Founder Receive Bennett Recognition Awards

Paris Hilton and Forever 21 Founder Receive Bennett Recognition Awards

The Starlight Children’s Foundation presented a set of Bennett recognition awards to a group of committed, generous supporters, including philanthropists Paris, Nicky and Kathy Hilton, as well as Do Won Chang, the CEO and Founder of Forever 21.

The Hiltons received the Starlight’s Heart of Gold Award. These recognition awards are presented to individuals who have a deep commitment to children and generous hearts. Kathy, Nicky and Paris Hilton have made significant contributions of their time and resources to the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s programs that are focused on improving the lives of seriously ill children and their families. Appropriately, the unique Bennett awards design "Heart of Gold" was used for these achievement awards.

Do Won Chang received the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s Jacki Carlish Humanitarian Award in recognition of his commitment and work to help children and families everywhere. His Chang 21 Foundation has provided aid and support to a number of charities and humanitarian programs, including the Starlight Children’s Foundation. The Bennett recognition awards design "Succeed" was used for this well-deserved achievement award.

These unique Recognition trophies were presented at the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s annual gala, called “A Stellar Night”. This event was held March 26, 2011 at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency Hotel in Los Angeles. The event and awards presentation was co-hosted by Jenni Pulos, from Bravo’s “Flipping Out”, and actress Bailee Madison from “Just Go With It”.

Paris Hilton award

For more than 25 years, the Starlight Children’s Foundation has been dedicated to helping seriously ill children and their families cope with their pain, fear, and isolation through entertainment, education and family activities. Starlight’s programs have been proven to distract children from their pain, help them better understand and manage their illness, and connect families facing similar challenges so that no one feels alone. Through a network of chapters and offices, Starlight provides ongoing support to children, parents and siblings in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces with an array of outpatient, hopital-based and Web offerings. Programs are also delivered internationally through affiliates in Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom.