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National WWII Museum Presents Custom Bennett Awards

The National WWII Museum presented a set of custom medallions created by Bennett Awards to recipients of its 2019 American Spirit Awards. The American Spirit Awards honor individuals and organizations whose work reflects the values and spirit of those who served our country during the World War II years. The awards recognize those who inspire others through their own acts of courage, sacrifice, initiative and generosity—particularly in the areas of leadership, service to country or community and education.

For these recognition awards, Bennett Awards created three unique medallion designs:

  • The American Spirit Medallions recognize individuals who demonstrate extraordinary dedication to the principles that strengthen America’s freedom and democracy. Through their work and philanthropy, American Spirit Medallion recipients exemplify the highest standards of integrity, discipline, and initiative while making unselfish contributions to their community, state, or nation.

  • The Silver Service Medallions honor veterans and those with a direct connection to World War II who have served our country with distinction and continue to lead by example.

  • The Billy Michael Student Leadership Award is given annually to one student from each state and the District of Columbia who demonstrates the American Spirit in his or her community. The values of leadership, teamwork, tolerance, creativity and perseverance can and should be learned and lived by all Americans regardless of age.


Bennett Awards created these custom medallions from pewter, with unique finishes for each award. The American Spirit Medallions measured 3 3/8” in diameter and ¼” thick, and were bronze plated. The Silver Service Medallions measured 3” in diameter and 1/8” thick, and featured a brushed pewter finish. The Billy Michael Student Leadership Medallions also measured 3” in diameter and 1/8” thick, and were silver plated. Each medallion featured a raised relief of the award icon and text on the front, and the National WW II Museum logo on the back.

These custom awards were presented to recipients at an awards gala held May 23, 2019 at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA.