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Jamie Lee Curtis Honored with Bennett Sculpture Award from The Laurel Foundation

This winter, The Laurel Foundation, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to enrich and empower transgender/gender diverse youth and children, reached out to Bennett Awards for a Youth Empowerment award to honor Jamie Lee Curtis.

The award, shown in the video below, was given at The Leslies’ 33rd Annual Toy Drive and Fundraiser.

About The Recognition Award

The Laurel Foundation has been providing support and mental health services for over 29 years to empower youth to overcome the adversities they face living with HIV/AIDS and gender dysphoria. The foundation’s educational and support programs impact the lives of over 700 children, youth and families affected by HIV/AIDS, and transgender/gender diverse youth each year. 85% of the youth served are from California.

On Dec. 4, 2021, the foundation hosted The Leslies’ Annual Toy Drive and Fundraiser, where toys are donated for the kids and funds are raised to send the youth to year-round programs.

This year, they selected the Bennett Awards Predesigned Sculpture Soaring Award to honor Jamie Lee Curtis at the event. This inaugural Youth Empowerment Award recognizes Jamie’s ongoing work empowering youth all over the world. An American actress, producer, director, author and advocate, Jamie has devoted much of her life to giving back and advocating for those whose voices are not being heard.

Jamie Lee Curtis Honored with Bennett Award from The Laurel Foundation

The unique “Soaring” recognition awards, designed by artist Bob Bennett, feature an impressionistic design of a soaring bird in flight. It is a powerful, spirited representation of someone or something “taking fight”, and rising above expectations or circumstances to achieve true success.

As stated on the Laurel Foundation Website, “Jamie Lee Curtis embodies the essence of the Laurel Foundation’s Youth Empowerment awards and we are honored to present her with the award at The Leslies’ 33rd Annual Toy Drive & Fundraiser.”

The award will be given every year at this event to a new honoree.

View more pre-designed sculpture awards in our gallery.