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Customizable Awards

Celebrating Kamala Harris: Custom Awards and Women’s History Month

Celebrating Kamala Harris: Custom Awards and Women’s History Month

Discover how custom awards honor trailblazers during Women’s History Month. While our designs have often adorned celebrities, they've also recognized influential women. In tribute to Women’s History Month, we spotlight Explore how custom awards celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring trailblazers like Vice President Kamala Harris. Our Louis E. Martin Great American Award, crafted for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, epitomizes dedication to equality. Harris’s historic journey, from being the first woman of color Vice President to her groundbreaking political career, continues to inspire women worldwide.

Customizable Award Examples

Customizable Award Examples

Customizable awards are a quick, cost effective method of creating unique awards that are customized for your organization or event. In this blog post, we highlight a couple of examples of customizable award projects that we have worked on with our clients.